iOS exporter stopped working (reported)

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  • 6 posts
  • Testing games on iOS devices no longer works.

    Xcode project builds ok but cannot be deployed to iOS device,

    instead the following error message is shown:

    "The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.

    The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file are invalid, not permitted, or do not match those specified in your provisioning profile. (0xE8008016)."

    Projects made directly in Xcode deploys to device with no issues using the same signing settings and provisioning profile.

    I have filed a bug report, just thought I'd give y'all a heads up :)


  • When does your iOS development/publishing certificate expire? Maybe you just need to renew it.

  • When does your iOS development/publishing certificate expire? Maybe you just need to renew it.

    It expires 2020-03-21

    Like I said it works when deploying projects made directly in xcode.

    Also the setting Hidden status bar doesn't carry over from the iOS export in C3 to the xcode projct. Noticed this just now.

  • The issue has been resolved. Seems to be apple's new build system that is causing random error, changing to legacy build system made it work. Apologies for the unnecessary inconvenience :(

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  • Any tips in Xcode for successfull uploads to the AppStore/TestFlight? I'm getting emails saying I have signing issues after upload to the Appstore connect.


    Xcode 10.2,

    Icons-fixed (no warnings)

    Tried Legacy build on/off

    Target Generic device

    Clean build

    Cert and prov-profile in place

  • Nilski At the moment I'm only testing on my device since my iOS dev account is currently not active.

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