errors of the browser version in the play market

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  • Hello!

    It is necessary to solve the problem associated with the play market, so let's start!

    I am developing a game for the browser and mobile phone at the same time and thanks to the plugin it is possible, but there are a lot of mistakes.


    On the official website there is an instruction for which everything is done correctly LinkProperty

    In construct 3 put everything right

    client ID

    When trying to log in through the browser to the play market, this error occurs

    In construct 3 everything is written correctly in events

    To make everything work properly, you need to do so.

    This is not very good, because when I want to make a game for a mobile phone, I need to change the id, and when developing in constract 3, change the id to again when I want to compile for the http browser: // need to change id again. This is very delaying the development of the game and very bad, please fix this bug.


  • It looks like in the first properties you swapped the Client ID and application ID. In the second properties you got the right Client ID but missed out the application ID.

  • It looks like in the first properties you swapped the Client ID and application ID. In the second properties you got the right Client ID but missed out the application ID.

    I did as written in the tutorial. So the entrance to the play market does not work

  • It looks like the tutorial is correct, but you pasted the values in to the wrong properties.

  • It looks like the tutorial is correct, but you pasted the values in to the wrong properties.


    So have to do? After all, the only way to enter the play market

  • In that case, you've entered the correct client ID, like the tutorial says. You still have not entered the application ID though.

  • In that case, you've entered the correct client ID, like the tutorial says. You still have not entered the application ID though.

    The tutorial says to do this, right? But that doesn't work

  • No, it says to put them the other way round. You entered the client ID as the application ID and the application ID as the client ID.

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  • No, it says to put them the other way round. You entered the client ID as the application ID and the application ID as the client ID.

    Should I make the game work in the browser and on the phone? Or is it just for the browser?

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