Is there a condition to test if game is still playing full screen on a browser or not?

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2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • I have a function to request full screen with a tap, click, and button, which works and plays the game full screen. However, if someone is on a mobile device and temporarily switches to another app and then comes back to the game, it shrinks it back down. I am wondering if there is a test condition that I can set up to check if the game is still playing full screen, and if not make a "Make full screen" button appear on the UI.

    Any help is appreciated.

  • Hey HyperTodd This may do the trick, but I have not tested it out. System seems to have options for when app is suspended and resumed and it does say that its used when the app comes back to the foreground so maybe. Here are some pics hope this helps.

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  • Thank you Rebel Zodiac. That was a great idea. The problem is that with browswers, the user has to actually do something (click, touch, etc.) to set it to request fullscreen. Therefore, I don't think there is an automatic solution for this. I added a little fullscreen button on the UI to compensate.

  • Ahh gotcha I hate when that happens and it requires input. Best of luck with everything. If I think of anything else I'll post back here.

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