Change Sampling Quality on a per layer basis?

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Per Pixel Destruction like in "Worms" (perfect performance, no third party plugins)
  • Not sure if this is worth suggesting or not but would it technically be possible to override the sampling quality inside layers themselves?

    I can see this being useful for projects, which for example use pixel-art but need smooth and clean looking UI. Other engines already offer this feature but on a "per-object" basis. I personally think making it a feature for layers would be easier in Construct 3.

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  • I also would use this! I think I recently suggested having the project sampling being changeable during runtime, but iirc it was complicated.

    Someone suggested using the pixellate effect, and this has been quite useful, albeit not perfect - Use the pixellate effect on objects, set the effect value to 1, and the result will turn out pretty much like point sampling. The downside is that the object needs to be perfectly square in width and height for the effect to apply.

  • I've talked about this subject in the past and made a feature request in a past suggestion page.

    I also looked into it and tried to hack it into the engine, but from what I've seen it's pretty hard if not impossible to do with the way C3's rendering is done at the moment.

    I agree it would be really useful if this became a thing.

    Mikal and I both experimented with making pixel shaders that can repixelify a layer with linear sampling. That might be worth a try.

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