COSMOS's Starship Shooter v2 (free-to-play arcade game)

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  • Hi everyone! I design games which everyone can play for free on my gaming portal (DolyGames). This this is one of my created games.

    Game description:

    COSMOS's Starship Shooter is a fun free-to-play space shooter where you control a multiple-turret space ship and try to survive the enemy waves and boss.

    (Click/tap to move. Tip: buy shield regeneration soon via the UPGRADE button)

    Where to play:

    Some Game pictures:

    I am happy to receive feedback, suggestions, ideas and/or support.

    Thanks in advance,



    - Other games created by me: Category: GAMES by COSMOS:

    - My free-to-play gaming portal:

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  • Fun game! tried a bunch of different strategies to see if I could survive the boss... can he beaten?

    my best score was 1066.

    you need a restart button!

  • Fun game! tried a bunch of different strategies to see if I could survive the boss... can he beaten?

    my best score was 1066.

    you need a restart button!

    Thanks for playing my game :)

    You are 100% right i need that restart - I made a mistake and built it without it and it became so complex that when i tried to add a restart i ended up with a bunch of bugs. I need to figure out how to reset everything correctly, which I will definitely do in a following update.

    The boss does have a certain amount of life but I have not managed to beat him myself either :) I originally made the game very difficult (version 1) but after some players thought it was too hard i made various battles easier in version 2 but I did not change the boss.

    When I make the 3rd version update I will put that challenge in front of me to fix on top of making improvements.

    Thanks again,


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