Play Audio Tag Even At Timescale 0

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  • Hello, I'm looking for a way to keep the timescale audio property on for my project, while also being able to play specific audio at 1.0 speed when the timescale is at 0.

    This is because while I like the slowed down audio effect at lower timescales, I still want to be able to have normal audio play during a pause screen.

    Setting the playback rate to 1.0 doesn't do anything.

    Any help is appreciated!

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  • I've been looking up my issue some more and it seems like setting the playback rate should fix the problem, but it just isn't working for me. Any help?

  • Unfortunately, I haven't found an actual fix, but instead a weird workaround.

    I moved all my audio files into the sounds folder. Yes that means that music files aren't being streamed which is less efficient, but it doesn't seem to have made any noticeable impact.

    Then I moved every sound effect I want to play at timescale 0 to the music folder, and preloaded them.

    While this is really stupid as now Sounds are in the Music folder and Music is in the Sounds folder, everything is placed in sub-folders so it doesn't really matter.

    Then its just a matter of changing the Audio object's property for "Timescale Audio" to "On (Sounds Only)."

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