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Z-ordering won't work?
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I have some text objects that I need to order. For every text that I "spawn" I use a function for setting the size, color etc. And one of these function paramet...

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Flip or rotate a 3d object/shape. Z axis
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I feel like this should be a simple answer, I just can't for the life of me seem to find it, All I want to do is rotate a 3d shape, flip it upside down, I want...

posted 3 years ago
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Greetings everyone. Hope all is well. I'm sure there's a trick to this that is escaping me at the moment. On the 3 layers I have worked on, the menu buttons lin...

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How do I make a smooth 3D camera movement
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I was wandering if there's a way to make a smooth zoom with the 3D camera. I tried something with lerp but doesn't seems to work…. + System: Zoom = 1. -> Caméra...

posted 2 years ago
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How do I rotate a 3D object on the Z axis?
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I have been trying to make a 3D FPS in Construct 3, and my main issue recently has been trying to get the bullet rotate to where you're looking on the Z axis as...

posted 2 years ago
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Containers don't preserve Z order?
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I'm trying to create a simple character customizer. I have sprites for different elements like head, eyes, nose, etc. All in one container. In the layout tab, e...

posted 2 years ago
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How do I make it so my character moves around the Z axis?
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Hello, So I am currently making a platformer with 2D/3D characteristics. Currently I can move my character as if he was 2D but I would like him to be able to mo...

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Picking Different Objects and Adjusting Pick Order
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I am having an incredible frustrating problem where I can't check collisions between two objects of the same family correctly. My goal is to have a functional 2...

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Can you rotate 3D Shapes on the x or y-axis? (Answered)
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EDIT: As mentioned in the reply below, the actual question is if you can rotate on the x or y-axis. ORIGINAL: I can rotate 3D Shapes along the X/Y-axis, but I c...

posted 2 years ago
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How would I go about panning audio in Construct 3.
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I'd like to have positioned audio that is also played at different heights above the layout, similar how the height of the listener object can be changed. Only...

posted 2 years ago

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