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Check if instance is in the viewport
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Using the scripting API, do we have access to the view port coordinates? I want to create a filter like the system condition is on screen for the instance. Is t...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I upload different versions to App Store?
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I would like to upload 2 different versions to App Store. One version that has the viewport 4:3 ratio that is on iPad and one version that has the viewport 16:9...

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How to make 2 different views in multiplayer ?
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I would like to make an independent multiplayer view for each player. Imagine a game like the "naval battle". Knowing that it is the player 1 who hosts the game...

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Trying to RESIZE VIEWPORT / Zoom-in zoom-out testing
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At one time I thought there was a way to resize the viewport - the dimensions of the game when played on the screen. But I can't seem to find it. I imagine that...

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How do I draw Tilemap outside viewport using Paster?
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I am trying to set a split-screen using the Paster addon for a two-multiplayer platformer. It worked in first place but the issue comes when I try to draw the T...

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I'm a starter in the Construct 3 and I had a problem with my sprite fonts in mobile devices. Here is a screenshot of the game running on my phone which has an a...

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So i'm not sure what's going on but when I zoom in to try to line up objects my walls and spikes are moving. When I scroll left or right the objects seem to mov...

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How do I pan the viewport?
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I would like to make a 2D side-scrolling platformer. By default, the viewport is on the top-left corner, I would like to move it to the bottom left corner so I...

posted 5 years ago
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Layout Size Issue
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The main layout for my game is 360x640, and the Viewport size is the same. If I wanted to create another layout with the dimensions 640x360, how do I get the en...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I change screen size mid game?
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My main layout is 360x640 but I want to include another layout that's 640x360 (or similar). The viewport size is 360x640; How do I show the 640x360 in its entir...

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