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Create a Team with you!
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I'm looking for some people who program games with Construct 2-3, even graphic designers to create a project together with Construct (I have Construct 2 but I p...

posted 5 years ago
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Join the team!
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My name is David and I am forming a team called: Gameream, the team made up of Italian people is still in training and in addition we are looking for a person m...

posted 5 years ago
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ProArtist Looking to a co-op with Coder
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Hi folks ! I'm back for a long time ! (7 years). I'm a pro artist 2D and animator, and now i'm coming back with an idea of a new small project that i'm pointing...

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Toon Wars - Tower Defense TEAM
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I'm working currently on a tower defense game for Android, I have general idea how it will look, and also make already simple level, but as you can see on scree...

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Developer team!
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I am looking to create a team of game developers to make games with! If you already have a team I would love to join! Thanks: Squeezed.

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How do I Make a Team System on Multiplayer?
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I am having a problem when I am trying to create a Team System on a MultiPlayer Game. The Game: You will put your name, select a room or create a new one and PL...

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Trying to start a Facebook group about game development
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I am trying to start a Facebook group for artists, programmers, and people interested in learning tools for game development. If anyone wants to stop by and che...

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Hey there! I've developed about 5% of my overall game, but with more than enough to show the entirety of the game and it's intended code. If you're very familia...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I create Team Limit on Multiplayer?
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I created a game with a team system, but "the system isn't too smart". I am trying to make the game balanced with 5 players in each team. Here is what I did unt...

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A huge game creation event! - but for only one game
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Okay so basically the idea is we get a huge group together and one of us starts a new Construct project and then they get to add 1 feature and or 5 lines of cod...

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