Content tagged optimisation

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Construct 3's export optimisations
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You might have noticed that sometimes the Export project option takes a while to complete, especially with larger projects. This is because Construct is working...

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Mobile performance and optimizations tips
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So I just released an Android game, which is far from done to be fully share and made aware of. But since early development, I've been hitting on some (fairly l...

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I feel like this is a pretty basic question. But yet I find it confusing. Basically each level is locked. When the player finishes the level the lock removes. I...

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Browser Updates Compromising Performance?
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I have a game I released on itch a few months ago. At the time the game ran very well. Now I notice if I play the game I get significant FPS slowdown after abou...

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Effects slow my game?
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In my game I have a layout with 10 effects, I use them rarely so I put them disabled, do they spend cpu while disabled or it's not a problem how much effects I...

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Facebook plugin
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Does the Facebook plugin work for Mobile? Because I am having some issue.

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These actions work better without 'is on-screen'
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I remember someone saying that 'is on-screen' is a good way to get better performance since it lets the engine only run calculations on objects that are on scre...

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Performance Questions
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I have some questions about performance. 1) Am I right that it will result in a better performance if I let the player object check if it is colliding with one...

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Mobile game CPU usage low but FPS even lower? [Solved]
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In a nutshell: My MOBILE game has low CPU usage, sometimes as low as 15% but the FPS is also around 10-15 FPS and the game laggs. Here are the stats on PC: Migh...

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Willing to pay for help with game optimization.
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I am not sure if this is the correct forum for this. I have been working on an educational game for quite some time, and I am at a point where I would like to p...

posted 3 years ago

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