Tutorials tagged nwjs

NW.js (previously known as node-webkit) lets you call all Node.js modules directly from DOM and enables a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies.

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5 tutorials with this tag
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Exporting desktop apps with NW.js
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Construct can export your project as a traditional desktop app with NW.Js , which is basically a standalone version of the Google Chrome browser. In other words...

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I've been asked by some of the community users to write a guide for getting Steam overlay and achievements working under NW.Js, so here goes. I tested it on lin...

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Distributing Desktop Apps
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Exporting your game as a Windows desktop app is simple in Construct. However you don't get a single file exported. What you actually get is a directory containi...

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Turning your game into a single .exe file
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In our tutorial Distributing Desktop Apps we discussed a method that allowed you to repackage your desktop game export into a single executable file, without re...

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Configuration for a signed and notarized package for mac os x. Step 1: Creating the icon. ● Download “https://itunes.Apple.Com/fr/app/image2icon/id992115977?Mt=...

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