Content tagged instance-variable

A variable defined in a class for which each instantiated object of the class has a separate copy, or instance.

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I'm currently developing a dialogue-based game for a school assignment that makes heavy use of instance variables. I have 8 working instance variables in the ga...

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UID destroying itself... why?
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I made a topic about my problem earlier, but that wasn't until I figured out what the hell was even going on. Also, no-one responded after I figured it out, so...

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Multiple instances of the same object are present in the layout, eg. "Canon_IV", HP_IV Samsung_IV etc. How to check whether the same object having the instance...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I get clicked instance variable value?
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I have 10 same sprites, some with same value of variable "Name" (string), and some with different value. I need to get "Name" of clicked sprite to change all sp...

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Teleport Randomly between object???
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Trying to teleport to another instance of my vent system with a collision but it keeps sending me back to the same one.

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How do I pick the Object Instance that I taped on?
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I'm using Event Scripting and I want to get the Instance that I taped on (with Touch). I have a condition "On tap gesture on obj_interact". Obj_interact is an O...

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How do I use progress bar for multiple objects?
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When a mine is built in one of 15 spots, a progress bar is created (CoalMineConstruction) with the x/y of where that mine is. There's an instance variable on th...

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How do I pick instance variable of one sprite in family?
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Shortest version of this question possible. How can I add 1 to a particular instance variable of the sprite I've selected? There are 3 sprites in the same famil...

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When I click on the destroy button, it is supposed to do several things including destroying the sprite. The sprite, which is a member of the minerals family, h...

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How do I set the conditions to do x action -once-?
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Essentially, I'd like to see the global value (NumberofPowerPlants) to increase once when the conditions are met. However, I suck at this and the global value i...

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