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What's the difference between these two conditions?
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posted 5 years ago
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How do I combine OR and AND conditions?
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I'm trying to do something basic but I can't figure it out with Construct. I want to make a specific action when the player press the spacebar on the keyboard O...

posted 5 years ago
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I need to create the following logic: | Every Tick. | If (ControllerX-ControllerStickX) > (ControllerY-ControllerStickY). | If (ControllerStickX-ControllerX) >...

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How do have and "And" and "Or" within the same event?
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I was just wondering if how to have and and and or within the same event. For example. If button1 && button2 == Down || button3 && button5 == up {. -----------;...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I use OR in a condition?
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I thought I knew how to use | in the conditions. But seems like I have forgot, made this small example and thought it'd also trigger with the OR-statement? But...

posted 5 years ago
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Weird Event Condition Issues?
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I've had a bug in my game that I was unable to figure out for months. Today I managed to, (or so it seems), get to the bottom of it. However, I still don't unde...

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See the picture, should I create every exclusion and condition. It's about performance and there will often be many of these exclusions. Does it give anything?

posted 4 years ago
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So, this might be simple enough for some but please forgive me as I'm a relatively new user. I'm creating a point-and-click game, and I got a condition that bas...

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If .. else if... else trouble
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Just testing some different strategies with the engine. I tried to create a conditional logic like this one: IF. IF SUB-CONDITION 1. ELSE IF SUB-CONDITION 2. EL...

posted 4 years ago
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Am I misunderstanding the "or" condition?
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I have a problem considering the "or" condition. As far as I know, "or" works this way: If first is true OR if second is true OR if both are true, the following...

posted 4 years ago