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A question concerning the "Text-To-Speech" software.
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I would like to know if someone knows where can I find a text-to-speech software that provides realistic voices that doesn't sound like a robot so I can integra...

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BitCrypt Prototype is back up.
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I made a platformer prototype a few years ago, and I recently pulled it and made some changes/updates to it. Still unsure if Ill make it into a full game, but i...

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How do I put xbox live into my multiplayer game?
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Hey guys! I'm working on a multiplayer game and was wondering how I would go about getting it working on my xbox. Anyone have any ideas/experience/actually know...

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Toon Wars - Tower Defense TEAM
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I'm working currently on a tower defense game for Android, I have general idea how it will look, and also make already simple level, but as you can see on scree...

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Compatibility question
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If you create a video game with Construct 2 or 3, do you know if the video game will work on a Wordpress website? I would like to know the name of a few Website...

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Selling Project.
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Hey guys! I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I'm selling off a project or two because I have too many going on at once and I cant focus....

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A game made with Construct 3, available for iOS and Android. Could you please try it and maybe leave a review? Many thanks! Apple Store: Playstore: Screenshots:...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I stop enemies from spawning?
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I have a couple of events that spawn different enemies at random intervals. How do I get these to stop (and for any onscreen enemies to disappear) when a Game O...

posted 4 years ago
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So I'm making a game for mobile, and the main layout will be portrait perspective for the phone. I want another different layout to be in a landscape perspectiv...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I connect two blocks using no more than 3 lines?
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Working on a prototype for a onet game. I need to connect two blocks using no more than 3 lines. Here is what I am trying to do. The lines can connect two block...

posted 4 years ago

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