Content tagged export

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202 usages of this tag
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Construct 3's export optimisations
33 favourites

You might have noticed that sometimes the Export project option takes a while to complete, especially with larger projects. This is because Construct is working...

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Exporting desktop apps with NW.js
18 favourites

Construct can export your project as a traditional desktop app with NW.Js , which is basically a standalone version of the Google Chrome browser. In other words...

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Publishing to the Scirra Arcade
11 favourites

There's been an update to this tutorial following the renaming of the Arcade. You can find the new version 'Publishing to the Construct Arcade' here! An easy wa...

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How to publish your game to Newgrounds
22 favourites

Newgrounds is one of many websites where you can upload your Construct creations. They'll need to be exported using the Web (HTML5) option, and the resulting zi...

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Exporting to Windows with the WebView2 wrapper
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Construct can export your project as a traditional Windows desktop app using Microsoft Edge WebView2 . This is basically a copy of the Microsoft Edge browser en...

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Comparison between NW.js and Windows/macOS wrappers
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Construct provides two export options for both Windows and macOS. The NW.Js export option can provide Windows and macOS desktop apps. There are also lightweight...

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Exporting to macOS with the WKWebView wrapper
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Construct can export your project as a traditional macOS desktop app using WKWebView . This is basically a version of the Safari browser engine that is built in...

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how to export to APK : "the easy and great way "
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1. You have to export your project to a HTML website in a folder. 2. Then go to the folder and open the HTML document with wordpad. 3. Then delete this: 4. Then...

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Publishing to the Construct Arcade
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An easy way to share your game with the world is to publish it on the Construct Arcade ! We host the game for you, so you don't need to find your own web server...

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Using Greenworks for Steam Publishing
31 favourites

Steam is one of the most popular platforms for desktop games but you'll need to do a bit of setup to make sure your game can make the most of Steam specific fun...