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limited object create
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Make A New Empty Project And Create Your Sprite That we'll Create Now Go to The Event Sheet And Create A New Global Variable And Name It LimitCreate and Create...

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Easy Inventory Using An Array
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This tutorial has been completely redone as of Sept/14/2015. A basic understanding of Arrays and Functions if you wish to adapt it to your own needs. For this i...

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Simple Array Shuffle
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Here's how to shuffle an array in 1 event. In this example, I fill a simple array with 4 values (0, 1, 2, 3). This represents 4 music tracks in which I want to...

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Array-based inventory
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I saw a couple of tutorials about making inventory and decided to share with you my way of making it. I warn you that English Is'nt my native language and in wr...

11 years ago
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Custom adaptative Tiled support for Construct 2
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You need some knowledge with XPath and Xml manipulation. - You also need some knowledge of Tiled about how it save data. Introduction. I was looking for a simpl...

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Guardar y cargar datos WebStorage
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First in a new project , add a Text object just change the name to "Data " , add a Textbox object , put it under Text and name "Area" , finally creates two Butt...

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Sturdy Experience System
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I see a lot of different ways to handle experience and levelling up, but I usually see they've some issues. Normally these issues are not obvious, and may never...

11 years ago
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Lennaerts PHP mysql multiplayer tutorial
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Hi folks, this is the tutorial for a php based multiplayer, build from scratch. It is loosely based on my TankWars multiplayer test game. This method works with...

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This free, open source Active Message Format is a Remote Procedure Call protocol library for PHP commonly called AmfPHP. AmfPHP gives a simple way to connect ga...

10 years ago
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TextBox: Special Configurations
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Let's presume that you want to create a very special textbox in order to create, for instance, a character sheet for a role playing game. So that we'll start wi...

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