Content tagged construct2

Construct 2 was released in 2011 and is a Windows only games engine that exports to HTML5.

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Adding sound - a beginner's guide
96 favourites

It takes three simple steps. Here they're, followed by detailed instructions, and a walkthrough showing how you can add sounds to the Beginner's Guide tutorial...

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Making a Fancy Lifebar
136 favourites

Here i'll assume you already have the graphics for your lifebar - make it however you want! But the basic structure is this: The second one is optional. It just...

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How to make a twitter widget
21 favourites

Here is the preview link - Preview. Here is the exported folder - Exported Folder. Here is the capx - capx. To make this widget we need a few things first. - Th...

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Diffuse text in a Textbox
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If you have a input textbox in your application, and you dont want people around you to see it, then you can use this technique! NOTE! This technique doesn't en...

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InGameAnime: Smoke Effect
42 favourites

Animation is a pain. I applaud all people in the animation industry for their amount of patience to make each frame perfect. Traditional animation runs at about...

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Pump up your platform game
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Warning : This post isn't a programmation post , it is just on how you can pump up your platform game. Let's start by the player. Power-ups : You can add random...

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6 steps to play with player's mind
231 favourites

This is a list of 6 mental motivators for human brains, created with the objective of pleasuring and motivating people to take action and to work on life-relate...

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On Screen Touch Controls For Button Games
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If your a newbie to C2 then this will probably be a hard task for you until you read around or post a thread asking about it. How To Do It: Basically what you h...

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Random movement
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At first I added some grass in the background layer. Then I created a new layer for the decoration (bushes + butterfly). Next I set the behaviours for the butte...

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Touch controls and a trick to detect input method
251 favourites

These days it's naïve to assume everyone on the web has a mouse and keyboard. On the modern web, many people are now browsing via touchscreen devices like iPhon...