Content tagged construct2

Construct 2 was released in 2011 and is a Windows only games engine that exports to HTML5.

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MouseMoves: 1-to-1 Movement
17 favourites

The mouse is a very useful tool in gaming because of its precise movements. By tracking a sprite to the mouse cursor it can be used in variety of ways. To track...

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MouseMoves: Following the Cursor
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Tracking to the cursor directly can be a great way to control sprites and maintains the precise movement of the mouse itself. But sometimes the movement of the...

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Optimization & Motivation: You don't need!
23 favourites

And Welcome to a small tutorial (or should I say), rather it be a tips & tricks guide. I dislike to call myself an expert at game-creation, but I can gladly say...

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MouseMoves: Aiming and Moving Independently
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Sprites can move to follow the cursor directly or move towards the cursor , but sometimes a game requires a sprite to simply face the mouse without actually mov...

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VeryVariable: Toggle Between Two States
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Having a toggle switch is one of the most useful tools to have when creating any kind of game. It allows one button to be used to change between two different s...

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Seven commandments to making a good game
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It is very important (vital) that you test your level at least 5 times before releasing it to the world, make-sure to do things that aren’t what your supposed t...

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BulletTime: Straight Shooting
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In another tutorial it showed how two sprites could be put together to make a sort of turret. The base was could move and the gun attached would stick to it whi...

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Time counter
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All cool games have a time counter of some sort. Regardless if it counts upward or downward. So to get a nice counter going, you can use this basic, and simple...

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BulletTime: Charge Shot
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Let's add some variety in our shooting. I mentioned in the another tutorial that a charge shot can do the trick. It can help change the timing, speed and accura...

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Decimals in a Float
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When displaying a float, there can be a lot of decimals which may not look very nice in a highscore or otherwise. But there's a simple way to easily cut away un...