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How to create a random spawn on a circle ?
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I mean not in the circle but ON the circle. I know that to create a random spawn in a circle around a player of radius 100 we can use for example: X = J1.X + 10...

posted 4 years ago
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[TIMER] How do I make a visual timer like these in C2?
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I'm trying to make a visual timer like these below in C2: Is it possible to do this without having to import each animation frame from the counter into C2? Note...

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Radial experience / life bar modification
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Is there a way to modify the math here so that this bar acts like an experience bar? With 0 being fully masked and, as experience increases, it unmasks from the...

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How do I can make circular equalizer?
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I was looking for the answer to this question . But all the plugin links and examples, their download link was broken . Or: Please explain from the beginning or...

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I was looking for some solution about my idea, I want to crate an abject in the blue zone but not in the red one: So I have read this very interesting post but...

posted 8 months ago

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