Content tagged apk

Android Package is the package file format used by the Android operating system for distribution and installation of mobile apps and middleware.

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Building Android apps (APKs) in Construct 3
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Construct 3 has its own mobile app build service, which can build your mobile apps for you. This feature is only available to subscribers . Here's how to get Co...

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Building a Signed APK for Android in Construct 3
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Construct 3 has its own mobile app build service, which can build your mobile apps for you. This feature is only available to subscribers. Android apps (APK fil...

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Manually signing Android apps (APKs)
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Android apps, stored in APK files, must be signed before they can be published. This verifies that you're the publisher and that they've not been tampered with...

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As cocoon.Io has shut down, it has become difficult to export Construct 2 games to Android. The video tutorial provides step by step method to build a Cordova p...

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how to export to APK : "the easy and great way "
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1. You have to export your project to a HTML website in a folder. 2. Then go to the folder and open the HTML document with wordpad. 3. Then delete this: 4. Then...

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Emulators & Simulators
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Test APK on Mac easily without the headache. Emulators & Simulators. Are you without your MSI & Android device & Do you want or need to Test your(APKs) on a Mac...

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Long white screen in my apk?
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Every project I compile gets a white screen for a long time on all my mobile devices. What can be happening? Is it some compiler bug? Or am I doing something wr...

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Problem with localstorage C2 for C3
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I have an application in the play store that I created in Construct 2 and compiled with cocoon.Io, so far so good. Now I want to update my application with Cons...

posted 5 years ago
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Audio Problem Android 4.4 (APK)
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I have to create for a client a little game and I'am using Constrct 3. To make the game playable on an Android Device I tried in different ways Phonegap / Cordo...

posted 5 years ago
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App signing by google play or our own?
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I don't upload anything to play store in 4 years. Play console and things got really different now and I saw that we have the option to let Google handle the si...

posted 5 years ago

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