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Wetlands, a 3D construct 3 game with endless terrain
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Actual game or tech demo, I'm not sure which one this is. Pretty straightforward, the only goal is to get as many flags as possible before the truck explodes fr...

posted 2 years ago
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how do i set the mouse for a specific position?
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I am making a 3d game that is based on portal using simplethree on Construct. I need the mouse to be always at an specific position so the camera works properly...

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How can I make fully 3D games?
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How can I make fully 3D games?

posted 2 years ago
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How do I assign a specific sprite to a 3d Shape?
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I'm back with a brand new problem that's giving me a headache. Here is the concern: I decided to create several 3d Objects to make enemies. For each 3d object I...

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How can I invert controls based on the 3DCamera position?
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So I set up a 3DShape displaying my Sprite on one of its faces. If I press Up, Down, Left and Right the Sprite is set to the corresponding animation. Then I set...

posted 2 years ago
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The objective is to have enemy spawners scattered around the map to spawn new enemies every X seconds (a feature already implemented). These enemies are 3D obje...

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I'm currently working on a third-perspective 3D platformer but for some reason, the player billboard thinks it's standing on a 3D block when it isn't. In this s...

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Fallout 2 Remake 3D Early access
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Check out game here:

posted 1 years ago
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How do I add z camera controls in 3d?
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I have the basic x/y controls, left right forwards backward, but I can't figure out how to make up/down controls. I tried using the tutorial I used to find how...

posted 1 years ago
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How do you rotate 3d objects?
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How can you rotate a group of 3d objects all along the middle? When I try, it rotates each individual object without changing the position of them. It does this...

posted 1 years ago

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