Mad Jack - Wild 'n Epic is available now on Google Playstore!

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    Jack wants to become a real cowboy.

    But unfortunately he can not handle his revolvers.

    Join Jack on his journey through the wild desert and teach him how to aim and shoot properly.

    Are you ready to become the best cowboy of the world? Solve the hardest levels, show off your deadly accuracy and take aim at the bottles. But be careful! If you miss you will die.

    You will need a good and precise aim. Start your adventure now! Ask yourself, can i do this with one shot?

    On this epic and funny journey across the country, you will encounter various and legendary levels where you must be lucky enough to get through

    Mad Jack is all about shooting down every bottle in each level. You have to find the right time to shoot! You miss, you're dead!

    Game Features:

    1) Destroy every single bottle:

    • Use your brain and accuracy to destroy every single bottle. Only a master can clear all levels. Easy to learn, but with increasing progress more and more demanding for the player. Remember to make every shot count!

    2) Unlock every Level:

    • So many levels for you to clear, each is unique! How smart are you? Can you solve all puzzles? Your bullets will bounce around, so be careful! if your bullets make objects fall or explode you will die. You have only one goal: SURVIVE AND DESTROY ALL BOTTLES !!

    3) Engaging Physics Puzzler

    • Mad Jack is provided with realistic ragdoll physics. Only the smartest and quickest can solve all the puzzles! You will need more than just accuracy to clear all levels. Speed, timing and patience are all things you will need to become the best cowboy. Mad Jack is provided with realistic ragdoll physics

    4) One of the best physics shooter in the world:

    • Whether you're a shooter or a puzzler, Mad Jack: Wild and Epic is a challenge ready for you. Become a legend! There are 1000 ways to complete a level. It´s all about survival

    You like cowboy shooter games? So what are you waiting for? Jump on the saddle and download now!

    Unleashed Studio is a newly founded company specialized in developing games with seat in Germany. You can find us on Playstore, Appstore and Steam! We would be happy to see you there!

    Play on Scirra Arcade:

    Download on Playstore:




    We would appreciate a good rating! Have a nice day!

  • Hiya,

    I don't own an Android phone, but this looks really professional. Well done!

    I'd love to see some 'actual' gameplay though, the video just shows failures? I personally was under the impression the 'Player' was supposed to die, judging from the video.

    That might be confusing to new visitors.

    I'd try it out if I owned an Android device.

    Again, would love to see the game in action, perhaps a second video?

    Did you make the graphics yourself? They look superb.

    Why not publish on the App store as well? Or do you want to see success on Google Play first?

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  • Hiya,

    I don't own an Android phone, but this looks really professional. Well done!

    I'd love to see some 'actual' gameplay though, the video just shows failures? I personally was under the impression the 'Player' was supposed to die, judging from the video.

    That might be confusing to new visitors.

    I'd try it out if I owned an Android device.

    Again, would love to see the game in action, perhaps a second video?

    Did you make the graphics yourself? They look superb.

    Why not publish on the App store as well? Or do you want to see success on Google Play first?

    Hi Dude,

    first of all thanks for the good words! We are glad that you like it!

    You're right that the trailer shows only fails. we have completely ignored the gameplay scenes..

    That was the first trailer, of course this is not perfect but we are experimenting :)

    The graphics were completely made by us. We are not a big studio, to be honest only two people work on the project. A programmer and a designer. We both had no experience in creating games. My colleague who made the design has also had no experience at all. What I mean, EVERYONE can do it! You just have to have the will and endurance! We were satisfied with nothing and that is the result! We will one day also release in the app store, but that still takes a little more time..

    Thanks for your constructive criticism, that helps us very much! :)

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

    Peace and Love, Unleashed Studio

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