How do I make a "jump" with a 8 direction behaviour?

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  • In my game is no gravity. I want the player’s character to receive acceleration perpendicular to the solid surface he touches, and to change its direction by pressing Space. I tried to do this with the Bullet behavior, but in this case the character cannot change the direction of movement until the acceleration ends. At the same time, with each "jump" the acceleration received by the acceleration is constantly increasing. Also the angle is incorrectly calculated.

  • What type of game is it? The 8-direction behaviour is for top-down style games where the camera is above. Does it need to be 8-direction? There are other behaviours you can use for jumping.

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  • What type of game is it? The 8-direction behaviour is for top-down style games where the camera is above. Does it need to be 8-direction? There are other behaviours you can use for jumping.

    In this game, the player controls the character, freely flying in all directions (without gravity), and dodges various objects flying into it. In addition, it can repel solid objects for acceleration.

  • I don't understand the jump element if you are flying in 8 directions, however take a look at 'vector y' on 8-direction behaviour, it pushes the player up with a negative value.

  • I don't understand the jump element if you are flying in 8 directions, however take a look at 'vector y' on 8-direction behaviour, it pushes the player up with a negative value.

    "Vectors" in 8 directions, like, sets the direction of motion, if you mean "Set vector Y" action.

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