Content tagged z-order

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Set Z-Order of Sprites and TiledBackgrounds.
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I need help sorting the z-order of Sprites and Tiledbackgrounds together. I can do them separately, but since they're not being ordered together they're not ord...

posted 4 years ago
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How to have an efficient Tilemap Z-order / depth?
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I have spent a good chunk of time reading everything I could find on the forum, but I couldn't find anything that would really help me figure this out without c...

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Help me to learn this code.
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I found an example to make the player walk in front and backside of a tree, I hope it will work very well with my project. But my problem is I want to learn the...

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Z-ordering won't work?
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I have some text objects that I need to order. For every text that I "spawn" I use a function for setting the size, color etc. And one of these function paramet...

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Proper Gridless Isometry
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For reference, here's the classic 2 event isometric solution: This is great for any isometric game with objects' collision polygons that are as wide as they're...

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How do I create a 'Doom-Like'?
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I know that ). For his project, but. Tbh I have no idea how to turn this into something more real. I know this may be asking a lot, but are there any step-by-st...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I Shadow Light?
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I've been trying to do this for hours and I can't, My intention is to create an effect identical to among Us, when the shadow hides game elements. But I'm havin...

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Need help with 3D z-order overlapping, so confused
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Just started experimenting with the 3D template. I'm trying to have a Sword sprite rotate around the character with a Z-elevation of 3, but when the sword sprit...

posted 3 years ago
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Hollidays are here and there's time for a few more experiments. One thing I find very confusing: Here you can see my problem: The shots vanishes behind a bush a...

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Z order drag and drop not updating Z index
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When I move object up in the Z order bar the z index Is'nt getting updated. So as soon as I refresh the list the object returns back to its previous index. This...