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Hey everyone! I am Christoph Jakob, a German composer most known for my work on the award-winning twin-stick roguelite Revita. I have also released several pers...

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[WIP] Dojokratos - Retro platformer feat. Dragon ball
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Hey guys! Been working on this project for a while and I'm finally releasing the first beta of my game Dojokratos! Dojokratos is a retro-like platformer with me...

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This is my first game I've attempted to make, a throwback Sega Genesis-style action platformer. I plan on building it into a full game going forward, but for no...

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Heart of Smoke on Steam
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We launched a new game called Heart of Smoke , it's a retro-inspired platformer (mostly Donkey Kong Country and Yoshi's Island ) focused on the smoke theme. You...

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We're working on our latest full game project from scratch on camera. Here's a short excerpt from our latest full length video. This short video shows how we ma...

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Greetings everyone! Check out our FREE asset packs at: Rottingpixels.Itch.Io. You can also follow us on social media and support us over Patreon! Patreon.Com/Ro...

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Are you making a game that could have been released on consoles like the SNES, the N64, the PS1, the Dreamcast, the Game Boy Advance, or the Gamecube? If you're...

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What does the retro preset do?
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As above, what does the retro preset do that makes it special compared to the other presets?

posted 5 years ago
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Owl Flight, Pixel Art, Platformer - Down Ward
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I've been working on a C2 game for a while now, called "Down Ward". You play as Gable, a little owl, as she sets out to rekindle the dormant relics of a land lo...

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How do I make a event that randomly changes?
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How do I make a event for a sprite that randomly changes direction? It uses the 8 directional behavior. I'm trying to pretty much make an AI that goes against t...

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