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I need to transfer an archive of images to another player via a multiplayer plugin. How can I do this?

posted 2 years ago
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How do I create array with dictionary?
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It's my first attempt to use a dictionary for collecting some data. I would like to count every time the player manually restarts (like pressing a button) or di...

posted 2 years ago
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How do I create data grid?
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Hey Construct world! Hope you're all doing well. I've searched through the previous threads of people asking about how to create a data grid/table and most answ...

posted 2 years ago
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How do I grab data from a website?
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I need to get some data from a web page , every second..How I can I do? What are the steps? Can somebody help me? Is there a > plugin that do that? Thanks, Lest...

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How do I collect player emails
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I am building a game for a non profit, and I'm wondering if it's possible to have a scenario where a player can put in their email address to get free coins, tu...

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Where to add/edit card game data?
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I'm wondering what the most practical way to add and edit card data would be. Of course ingame I will be storing all the data in a JSON object. But I think it i...

posted 2 years ago
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How do I keep layout in memory?
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For example I have 2 layouts - "city" and "world". In each there's plenty to do and I need to switch between them often. But when I switch layout - all my chang...

posted 1 years ago
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Suggestion for a custom data feature
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Suggestion for a custom data feature. Posting the suggestion here because the forum has much better formatting. Here is the link to the actual suggestion board...

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How to connect a sql database with construct 3?
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I want to create a database with sqlite the problem is that I can't find a way to connect the database to Construct 3 how can I do it?

posted 1 years ago
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Which datatype is fastest for cellular automata?
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I am thinking creating cellular automata in Construct. Previously, I have tried using arrays and dictionaries to store cell data. I found that dictionaries work...

posted 3 months ago

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