Content tagged construct3

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Using C3 to build C2 mobile exports
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Construct 3 has its own mobile app build service to build Android APKs and generate Xcode projects from Cordova exports. You can also use Construct 3's build se...

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How to switch to the Construct 3 "Dark Theme"
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Different themes are only available to subscribers of Construct 3. The Dark Theme is an officially bundled theme. Here's how to switch: It will prompt you to re...

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Using the Simplified User Interface
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Construct 3 has many features. This is great for people who want to make complex and advanced games. However sometimes the broad feature array is actually a dis...

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Using the Construct 3 build service you can create an Xcode project, and use that to test and publish your game on iOS. This feature is only available to subscr...

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How to publish mobile apps
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There are several ways you can export and build mobile apps from Construct 3. This tutorial outlines the various options, and links to other tutorials to explai...

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How to publish your game to Newgrounds
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Newgrounds is one of many websites where you can upload your Construct creations. They'll need to be exported using the Web (HTML5) option, and the resulting zi...

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Building a Signed APK for Android in Construct 3
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Construct 3 has its own mobile app build service, which can build your mobile apps for you. This feature is only available to subscribers. Android apps (APK fil...

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Manually signing Android apps (APKs)
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Android apps, stored in APK files, must be signed before they can be published. This verifies that you're the publisher and that they've not been tampered with...

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How to Learn Construct 3? Next Steps for Beginners
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You’ve decided to try out Construct 3 and use it to make games. Your first step might have been to read and complete the Beginner’s guide to Construct 3 . If yo...

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How to embed an HTML5 game on your website
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The Scirra Arcade has a great feature that allows you to embed any of the games on your website. It's like embedding a YouTube video, but you embed an Arcade ga...