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XAudio2 - Peak and RMS
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Warning: Unfortunately, the server software interprets the multiply sign as a control char. Therefore, throughout this tutorial all multiplication signs are rep...

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Adding sound - a beginner's guide
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It takes three simple steps. Here they're, followed by detailed instructions, and a walkthrough showing how you can add sounds to the Beginner's Guide tutorial...

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PhoneGap Low Latency Audio
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Currently: 4th April 2012 the audio in PhoneGap is broken. And it's not the fault of Construct 2, it's a problem of PhoneGap and the way it handles sound. Broke...

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Playing Sounds With Functions - Intermediate
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So you've made your game and put in a few sound effects, and maybe have a decent song in there as well. That's a start! Hopefully you've scanned over Adding sou...

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The manual entry for the Audio plugin covers from the point of importing sound files into the project. But there's no clear indication of whether you can actual...

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Effective Game Music
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Game music comes in all shapes and sizes, be it orchestral or 8-bit or dubstep or whatever genre you want; Short loops, long pieces, or even ambient pieces crea...

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How to read an XML and make your game talk
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How cool would it be if you could have a single external script with all the dialogue for your game, that you can also use to make your game talk to you ? Well...

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How to toggle Game Sounds & Music
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Well, as a game developer, you're going to use lots of sounds , and one or couple of music for your game to make it interesting. Sometimes player wants to mute...

10 years ago
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As I haven't yet seen this be covered in any exampled in Construct 2, and it'd be something extremely useful, I'd like to show how you can mix Construct 2's Vid...

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Work around for Android Crosswalk sound toggle issue
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Crosswalk issue: User is unable to toggle sound if he exported via crosswalk. In this scenario sound toggle doesn't work at all. Intel is working on to fix this...

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