The Z-order issue with AMD RX graphics cards

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  • I'm working on a 3D game and it usually looks great. However, owners of AMD RX (6600, 7600) graphics cards are having problems with the image. It looks like the "camera distance" parameter just doesn't work.

    I can't test the game myself, but I've already received complaints from many players.

  • If you need more information, I will export the game to NWJS for Windows.

    The demo can be downloaded in steam

  • If a problem occurs only on certain graphics cards, usually that's a sign of a graphics driver problem rather than anything to do with Construct or your project. Graphics driver bugs are pretty common and unfortunately notoriously difficult to deal with.

    My advice would be to make sure 'Ignore GPU blacklist' is unchecked when exporting. If it is checked, then it may run in to known problems with certain GPUs/drivers, whereas leaving it checked means it reverts to software rendering in those cases, which is slower but at least should appear correctly.

  • Thanks for the answer.

    The problem was solved when I changed the "c3-steam-mode" parameter to false in the package.json file.

    And while this solved the problem for now, in the future I will need to integrate with the Steam API.

  • Ashley

    It looks like the rendering problem occurs when the value of the "Compositing Mode" parameter is set to "Standard".

    Changing the value of this parameter to "Low Latency" solves the problem with AMD graphics cards.

    However, the game does not run as smoothly in this case, so I want to give players the ability to change this setting themselves.

    Is it possible?

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  • It looks like the rendering problem occurs when the value of the "Compositing Mode" parameter is set to "Standard".

    That setting has been removed in the latest beta because, ironically, it actually tends to cause more bugs when set to "low latency".

    Graphics driver bugs are a nightmare to deal with. Try to get in touch with AMD if you can, otherwise try filing an issue with Google to see if they can help. Maybe also turning on/off WebGPU mode will help avoid the issue.

  • That setting has been removed in the latest beta because, ironically, it actually tends to cause more bugs when set to "low latency".

    So I won't be able to use the "Low Latency" mode in the future?

    This sounds unacceptable to me, because so far this is the only way to get the game to run properly on AMD graphics cards.

    I would also like to note that a similar problem is observed with any 3D game created on Construct. I tested several examples from the Construct library, and the z-order problem was observed everywhere.

  • Ashley

    Could you keep the Composing Mode property in future releases and just show a warning that it is not recommended to use the Low Latency mode?

  • I would advise to do what I previously said:

    Try to get in touch with AMD if you can, otherwise try filing an issue with Google to see if they can help. Maybe also turning on/off WebGPU mode will help avoid the issue.

  • I would advise to do what I previously said:


    I pay for YOUR product, but you tell me to contact large corporations that will most likely just ignore me.

    If you have the opportunity to fix the problem and you ignore your customer's request, why do you think they do otherwise?

  • Please direct your complaints to AMD, whose software is the one that is broken. Or try one of the other things I said - you haven't commented on whether WebGL or WebGPU renderers affect this, and they may well do. If you don't try my suggestions then it is not possible for me to help any further. Please see also the Forum & Community guidelines. If you continue to blame us when it's not our software that is broken, and you don't co-operate with my suggestions, then the thread will be locked.

  • WebGL or WebGPU

    It didn't help. I've tried different options.

    I said earlier that only the "Low Latency" mode helped. But soon you will deprive me of the opportunity to use it.

    I will definitely contact AMD. But if they can't help, I'd at least like to be able to enable low latency mode by changing files.

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