Time passing...

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Time rewind like in "Braid". Choose objects that will be affected by time rewind
  • thank you for all your answers.

    You mean event sheet, not screen?

    But for event sheets it's the same, isn't it? time only passes if they're loaded with a scene, isn't it?

    So how do I do that? because you can't load several sheets at the same time?

    Time passes the same for the entire project. Even so, if you want, you can import an event sheet within another by right-clicking and choosing the "include event sheet" option

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  • "Time passes the same for the entire project"

    I don't know what you mean.

    Do you mean that all the event sheets run at the same time?

    I think you must be mistaken, because only the event sheet linked to a scene can run at the same time, except in the way you mentioned, by including in the scene all the sheets I want in the one linked to this scene.

    I'm right, aren't I?

    Thank you for your help.

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