Construct WebGPU status thread

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • I have a function that updates UI texts, and an event that triggers that function every tick during specific conditions: in WebGL it runs at 60fps, in WebGPU runs at around 10fps. If i disable the functions, runs again at 60fps.

    WebGPU is hella slow at rendering text objects.

  • There is a known issue with WebGPU that updating textures seems significantly slower than WebGL. In Construct, changing Text objects and a few other things require updating a texture, so these cases may be slower than WebGL for the time being. I filed an issue about it back in June but it hasn't been sorted out yet. As WebGPU is still pretty new I think there may be a few early issues like this to be sorted out, but I think it's likely it will end up as fast or faster than WebGL in the long run.

  • There is a known issue with WebGPU that updating textures seems significantly slower than WebGL. In Construct, changing Text objects and a few other things require updating a texture, so these cases may be slower than WebGL for the time being. I filed an issue about it back in June but it hasn't been sorted out yet. As WebGPU is still pretty new I think there may be a few early issues like this to be sorted out, but I think it's likely it will end up as fast or faster than WebGL in the long run.

    Gotcha. I was suspecting it depended on chromium, hopefully they'll fix that soon enough. I'll stick to WebGL for now, although i've set up everything to transition to WebGPU (updating effects).

  • Been scratching my head on this for the past few days as my previews suddenly aren't displaying anymore on Chrome. I did the usual - cleared out everything, updated graphic drivers...etc. And still blank. It was only just recently that figured out that i had to turn off WebGPU rendering in the project itself (like literally set it to No, Auto doesn't doesn't do it) that the previews started loading again. Anyone else having this issue? I'm running on Chrome Version 123.0.6312.86 and Construct r385.

  • There is also a known issue with WebGPU that rendering fails on Intel Gen12 LP GPUs. See this issue.

  • There is also a known issue with WebGPU that rendering fails on Intel Gen12 LP GPUs. See this issue.

    Interesting. The weird thing about my situation is that it was literally rendering just fine and then suddenly stop right during the dev session. However, it appears to still work just fine in FireFox and Edge. Is there a Chrome flag i need to turn on or something? I already turned on the 2 available WebGPU flags for it but still no go.

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  • Is WebGPU faster than WebGL?

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