
Event comments are simply notes to help you remember how events work and what they do. They are very important to help you remember how things work in large projects! By default comments have a yellow background and appear above the event they are describing.

A comment above an event

To add a comment, right-click on an event or an empty space in the event sheet and select Add comment or press the Q keyboard shortcut. Comments can be edited by double clicking on them. You can make a comment with a line break by holding shift and pressing Enter.

Comments can also be added in between actions. The Q keyboard shortcut will add an action comment if an action is selected. Alternatively you can right-click an existing action and select Add comment, or use the Add... menu next to the Add action link.

If you use Construct a lot, you will find comments essential to help yourself organise and understand large projects. Coming back to a project after a few months with no comments at all can be very difficult, so don't underestimate the importance of comments.

Comments do not affect how anything works at all. They are solely for your information. Nothing typed in to comments is exported to the game whatsoever.

Customising colors

You can customise the comments's colors by right-clicking and selecting ColorsChange text color or ColorsChange background color. To reset back to the default colors (which are based on the current theme), select ColorsRestore default colors.

Using formatting

Comments can include some simple formatting tags known as "BBCode". This involves using square bracket tags such as [b] and [/b] around text to make bold, e.g. [b]bold text[/b]. The tags you can use in comments are listed below.

Tag Description
[b]...[/b] Bold text
[i]...[/i] Italic text
[s]...[/s] Strikethrough text
[u]...[/u] Underline text
[sub]...[/sub] Subscript text
[sup]...[/sup] Superscript text
[small]...[/small] Smaller text
[mark]...[/mark] Mark text with highlight
[code]...[/code] Format as code snippet
[h1]...[/h1] Header 1
[h2]...[/h2] Header 2
[h3]...[/h3] Header 3
[h4]...[/h4] Header 4
[item] Item bullet point: •
Construct 3 Manual 2022-05-04