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  • Any ideas, maybe some addon to play videos or so? thanks

  • No ideas?? thanks for your time

  • Hello again!!

    we made several trys with different exportation, with phonegap and intel xdk, and we discover that the "lag" is not a intel xdk problem, but a problem with the "every tic" events, we remove all the every tic events and it works ok in different devices we used to have a every tic event to do a parallax movement with the clouds, but we solved it in this way:

    is not finished, we had to say to the clouds that back to the first position when they are out of the screen, but in this way it seems to work... anyway, we have a doubt

    It is normal that we can't use every tick event? what happens if we need to do it??

    thanks for the help

  • You can change in IntelXDK in Project Options Crosswalk "Stable" [change to] "10"

    I see clouds move nice, even middl click (construction)... only problem i see is Movement Left-Right.. its moving slow / 1px or nothing..

    Im not shure but can you just test > On hold gesture [change to] Is Touching Object...

    Right now i can only test on S4 active..

    Ey apsolut!

    I'm Odin gf and we are working toguether, we try to change on hold gesture for touching, but it doesn't seem to work properly with every tick, any advice??

  • See the screenshot attached it's a working example for the "maxiBoton" that you can replicate to all other buttons.

    When the mouse is not over the object you also want to make sure that the "click" animation is not playing, otherwise you are replacing it with the "Default" animation right away.

    First of all, thanks again, we do exactly the same that in the image, but the click animation seems to not work....

    Could you help us?

    Also, you might want to check out that you can set a speed per frame which would allow you to not have several time the same frame repeating itself in the animation.

    Why have twice the same frame when you can have a single frame and set its individual speed to twice as long ?

    You are totally right!! we will check this, thanks again for great advices.

    Thanks for the mention of my nickname in your credits, not to be picky but please be sure to fix the order of the "i" and the "y" <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Sorry it was my fault, I fixed it, maybe you can't see the changes in the navigator 'cause the caché, but is in the capx...

    For the facebook issue, it doesn't ring a bell right now so be sure to use the search function in the Tutorials section and see if anything shows up.

    Perhaps check also the "how do I" forum in case some topics might already deal with the issue as well.

    Thanks, anyway is not a priority in this very moment.

  • Any help please?

  • Hello,

    I'm working in this little memory match game:

    and I have a few problems, the first is that I can't use 3 stages for buttons (normal, hover and click), I only know how to use normal and click or normal and hover, but if I try to put the 3 stages only normal and hover are played.... Some help please??

    When I fix this and other problems (I want to change some audios and try to export it to facebook) I will add the credits sections, put it in two languages (spanish and english) and share with the C2 community <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    hope you could help me


  • Wow, thanks for sharing all this knowledge!

  • Actually the effect is so nice I made an example (since it could be useful later), check it out:

    [attachment=0:17bj9ll6]Card Fun.capx[/attachment:17bj9ll6]

    You could also use something like to make your own quick and simple sounds.

    Well, either way it looks pretty good - will check it out when finished.

    Ey!! this look so nice!! maybe I will use it, so thanks you!! you are great! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

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  • Excellent implementation - really feels like a card shuffle. Mind showing your events for it?

    If I may comment on the game - the moment when you see the cards feels a little short, mainly because you are not prepared for it, perhaps add a "Ready?" there after the shuffed and start after a click. Also I would make the sounds about 1/3 in length. I would also add some drop shadows to th objects on the table to add some dimension.

    Hello!! First of all, thanks for your help and your comments!!

    I'm working in this mini-game with my bf, we are using it to make some tests, so the sounds are provisional (from the free bundle of scirra! hahaha), but you are right, they are too long, you made us think about the "ready?" questions, it seems a great idea so we provably will implement it in next versions. In other hand.... I will work a little more on graphics since some of them have drop sadow (like the cards or the glasses) and other doesn't, they are mainly from this free to use bundle: ... ms-mockup/

    Also the card images are from this:

    (we will credit in the ended version, of course!)

    When we have the ended version we will post the complete .capx full commented (in spanish, sorry for that...) but by the momment, to do this "card shuffle" animation, as I told you before:

    • we start from the deck position, creating all the cards, also we allready have the final position of each card on an array. As you proposed we store those values on instance variables on the card, also we have other instance variables witch indicates the card order to shuffle, and another witch sais what frame to show when the cards are facing the images (the diferent images are all stored in animation frames).

    these are the events:


    gNumeroCartas are the total number of cards we are goint to show, gNumeroCartas and gNumeroCartas2 are the same value.

    esEsta is the local variable witch indicates the order to shuffle.

    cartaCaraFrame is the local variable witch indicates the frame to show in the face of the card.

  • The way I would do it is by assigning the cards two Instance variables, say TargetX and TargetY. You need to put desired coordinates in there. Then you use the wonderful lerp function to interpolate the movement of the cards towards their target locations - something like Set position to lerp(Sprite.X,Sprite.TargetX,dt) - and you can change the dt*Something to change the movement speed.

    I actually whipped up an example for you, just simplified with a base position.

    You could add a variable to the cards, like a boolean IsMoving and then only dot the lerp when it's moving. Then you can disable it if target X and Y have been reached, but also do something like enable that variable on a timer so the cards fly out one after another nicely.


    you really helped me, you can take a look here

  • Maybe i din't explain myself very well (my english is not so good... sorry for that)

    What I really mean is I have some cards (24 for example) with a common starting position, and then i have the finish position for each one on an array, I try to set position, but that didnt move, just change it from the very begining, i want to animate the changing of position....

    ask me if you need more explanations!!

    thanks all

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