I compared webview2 with nwjs and found that webview2 consumes more gpu performance than nwjs, typically 16% versus 8% without filters and 72% versus 42% with Gaussian blur on.
“SFX/GooGun_shot_1” right
“SFX\GooGun_shot_1” wrong
Every time request or release pointer lock could be reminded "To display the cursor, press ESC",Export by Webview2.
Can cancel this message? Thanks~
Great! wait for the alpha~
How to use guide images?
Just updater the scml plugin, error~~
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
How about this..? ... .capx?dl=0
Thanks!! that's what I need!
On 'right' and 'down' key is pressed ,then released at the same time, I hope the angle of the object is 45 degrees, but now the object always turn right or turn down once the key is released, can I ask for improve?
nw.js v0.14.2
The problem still exists~
set1280,720 or else
It caused the problem once play mucis and close the window, otherwise, problem should not occur
Member since 31 Dec, 2012