Content tagged troubleshoot

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Playable Ads. What Works / What Doesn't
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I've been spending a fair amount of time exporting and testing playables across multiple ad networks. I wanted to share some of the discoveries and issues here...

posted 5 years ago
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What is going on here?
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So I just reinstalled windows (to mess with Construct 2 a bit as well) But I have an issue. For some reason anything I run (construct 2 or 3) runs at 30 fps. Iv...

posted 4 years ago
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So I have been scratching my head on this. Just finished a weeklong game jam and had to submit the game with no audio cus I ran into the problem at the last min...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I share my project file on the forums?
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I recently made a discussion forum, and someone gave the advice to share the project so proper troubleshooting could be made. However, instead of telling me how...

posted 3 years ago
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Assets aren't showing up for students
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Hey everyone, I'm new to Construct 3 and I'm teaching a class where students are designing their own game. I've downloaded assets and uploaded them to the game,...

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How do I export without "Websocket is not closed" error?
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When exporting a particular game as a signed APK, I get a "Websocket Is'nt closed" error build failed dialog. I tried looking in the project settings to see if...

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Help, MoveTo is killing my momentum?
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I have a basic top-down shooter with WASD controls. Inside it there's a 'player controller object' that moves the player sprites and other objects. There's also...

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Hey everyone, was wondering if I could get some help regarding an issue I have encountered trying to use LOS. This is what's expected to happen. There's a line...