Content tagged persist-layout

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How do I buid Persist/nonPersist Layout?
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How's this work? I found the C2 template but I'm trying to figure how it works and how to build my own from a fresh project perspective. I'm inspecting the (tem...

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Create Object on Global Layer, Persist Across Layouts
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Goal: Create a sprite object on a global layer, that persists/remains when switching layouts. Needs to be able to switch to layouts that don't include the sprit...

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Forum Topic
How do I save persistant object?
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I would like to know if it was possible to save persistent objects in the local storage. Indeed I have a layout which acts as a world for my game and by finishi...

posted 3 years ago
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Is there a way in which I can save the state (especially local and global variable, object properties) while moving from one layout to another? I have a master...