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Last Update Mar 2023
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Now Your Guns will come to life with these Sound Effects!

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Hello Dev!


In this Pack you will find more than 300 sound effects for your futuristic weapons, Fast Reloads, Long Reloads, Mechanics, Shots, Laser, Loops, Bursts, Charges, Pitch Up, Down, and more! And you'll still get 3 amazing gift packs, and in total there will be more than 700 sound effects:

SciFi Sound Effects

Futuristic Sound Effects

Kaboom Sound Effects


All the sounds in this package were assembled and recorded individually via Foley, which is a technique where I record a sound outdoors and transform it into something else and also with the use of synthesizers, thus guaranteeing a unique exclusivity to the package, sounds were used of the most varied scenarios, Gym, Guitars, Remote Controls, Toy weapons, Metals, Plastics, Irons, Glass impacts, among many others.


You have sounds of simple shots for pistols, sounds of heavy shots for weapons similar to RPG'S and Bazookas, fast sounds for rifles and machine guns, the reloads are of the most varied types, and you also have effects that are only the movement of the weapons, being able to assemble amazing effects for virtually any reload. The Loops serve for some time when the weapon is fully charged, or simply for a heating alarm, there are several uses. And Pitch Shift sounds can have hundreds of applications.


The sounds were made to think of a facilitator for you, there is no need to edit them or keep correcting anything, just implement it in the game and run the WAV, that's it, you already have a great sound effect in your game, ensuring all the difference in just a few steps.

Helping each other

When you invest in this package, in addition to taking all the aforementioned things, you still help and motivate me to continue creating new materials for developers.


non-exclusive license – you’re free to use these packs in your commercial games. No license to claim/resell as your own work.


There's a folder called 'bonus' this sounds are used in layers in another sounds from this package, they're great but not with alot of layers so i decide not to charge for them :)

Number of Audio Waves: 740

Sample rate / bit rate: (i.e. 22,050 or 44,100 Hz) 44,100

Do Sound FX loop: (Yes/No) The one that does contains 'loop' on the name

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes/No) Yes

Mac: (Yes/No) Yes

Documentation: Check the documentation

Important/Additional Notes: The recorder used for the sounds is the H4N pro and a SENNHEISER MKE 600 microphone.

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Preview images have been blurred, resized and watermarked. Audio sample is watermarked and down-sampled
  • $6 USD
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    70% off
    Royalty Free use in unlimited commercial greater creative works.
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