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Beta releases of Construct 2 come with the latest features, but they can also have bugs. Let's say you downloaded the new beta release with an annoying bug and...

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The following techniques will be covered in this tutorial: Creating a grid-based system for placing towers, using the new turret behaviour, using global and loc...

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Advanced Tips and Tricks that Construct2 Offers ...
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I'm here to teach you some of the most advanced techniques you can find in C2 . You'll find those very useful because they can have the potential to drastically...

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How to use continuous preview
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Continuous preview is a feature in Construct 2 that allows you to preserve the gameplay state when previewing . This also makes it possible to design levels as...

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How to Create 2 Rooms or 2 screen game?
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How to Create 2 Rooms or 2 screen game? First let's create new project call whatever you like. I have called my project 2RoomTest. 1 on your project property wh...

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How to "upgrade" an object to a family
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It's always good to plan ahead when making a project, and determine when you'll need a family in advance. However it's easy to forget and end up with a large nu...

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How to collaborate on projects with SVN
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Many projects are team-based, with multiple people contributing to a single Construct project . Construct supports saving projects in a folder structure, where...

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Understanding picking with respect to Families
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Before continuing to read this tutorial, the reader should be fairly comfortable with IID, UID, the differences between an object type and an instance of an obj...

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Method to create a single html EXE file.
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This is one way to make a single install file that users can double click and install on their computer. I am hoping to get more ideas to tidy it up and add mor...

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Building a global user interface (UI)
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This is a short tutorial that will show you how to create a user interface (UI, also known as a heads-up display or HUD) in a single, dedicated layout that carr...

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