Content tagged instance

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I have been humming along using instance variables and have found that in order to set a random # I have to put the setting bit of it as a global variable but i...

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Changing the sprite of sprite instance better?
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I have seen the forums saying that instances have better cpu performances than introducing objects.So,does this still apply as I change the sprite of the sprite...

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How do I delete an instance of a newly created Object?
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I create a new object with the "CreateObject" script. I then add many more so I have a multitude of instances of that same object. I want to click on an instanc...

posted 2 years ago
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How do I show certain text in a text box?
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I have a textbox that follows the cursor and when I hover over an item sprite with some instance variables I want it to display these. It does work but I also w...

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An instance object in scene
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I found an issue about instances in scene. For example,I drag 4 treasure chest into scene.Then I preview.There are 1 to 3 chests would not create rewards. But t...

posted 1 years ago
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In this example, I'm creating the orange "sprite" at a random location. What I want to accomplish next is to click on one of those oranges and add to the orange...

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Moving specific instances
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I am working on an interaction where you can add and remove elements to a sandwich. Ex: +BURGER button adds a burger to the sandwich. Same thing with the other...

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pathfinding issue - All instances not returning to home
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All the best for your current project! I have 3 homes and 3 arrows when start game. These three arrows are initially placed in there respective home. When the p...

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I have a sprite object called "MovableBox," and there are currently two instances of MovableBox in my layout. When the player comes in collision with a MovableB...

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Why don't my instance variables change?
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I'm working on a game that is nearly complete, but for some reason, the instance variables stopped changing. I didn't have this issue before and I've also reali...