Construct Master Collection :: Enterprise Level Addon Collection

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Hi Pagr13, I highly recommend Mateus Ferreira if you can get them, they are the ones who make great demo projects in Construct 3.

    Here are some references:

  • Thank you so much. Will check.

  • Patch announcement

    Hi everyone,

    For the ones using the Mobile Notification, please use the chadori-mobile-notification@0.0.3 for your next build if you are using Construct 3's beta release versions 261+.

    A subsequent update to apply the new changes and patch in the addon collection will come out soon as well. Until then, please manually update the Cordova plugin from your config build.

    Thank you.

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  • Release 18.2

    Hi everyone, there is a new update, please click here to read the release note and download the update.

    There are a lot of changes in this release, so please check it out!

  • Release 18.2.1

    Hi everyone, just a quick emergency patch for the Mobile Notification addon to support older Construct 3 versions, please click here to read the release note and download the update.

    Thank you.

  • the mobile facebook plugin must be updated

    "Beginning October 5, 2021, Facebook Login will no longer support using Android embedded browsers (WebViews) for logging in users. To avoid a disrupted user experience, please use the following checklist to use Custom Tabs instead:"

    when i use it it show message that facebook will soondisable logging in from embdded browsers.

  • Hi selmi007, a replacement addon is already in-progress and near of finishing, there have been some additional last minute requests others want included, but it should be released very soon.

  • Release 29.0 - Emergency Release

    Hi everyone, there is a new update, please click here to read the release note and download the update.

    New plugins

    1. Google Ads (AdSense)
    2. PlayFab Advertising


    1. Mobile IronSource Collection


    1. Mobile Billing
    2. PlayFab API

    There are (2) two new addons in this release and an important update for the Mobile IronSource Collection, so please check it out!

    Thank you.

  • Not working !!!

  • Hi selmi007, I'm amazed by the timing.

    There is a new Mobile Facebook plugin for both Construct 3 and Construct 2, with new features including Facebook Audience Network tracking. I literally just recently released a new update, the update should fix that issue you are having.

    There are other new plugins as well, improvements and bug fixes, make sure to update all of your plugins.

    I have not finished making the official release note, but some should be able to download Release 30 now.

    Let me know if you still get issues.

  • Release 30.0 - Emergency Release

    Hi everyone, there is a new update, please click here to read the release note and download the update.

    New plugins

    1. [New] Mobile Facebook plugin to replace the previous one, with new features from the latest Facebook SDKs.
    2. [New] Mobile Facebook for Construct 2.
    3. [New] Mobile Billing for Construct 2.


    1. Mobile Billing - Project documentation improvements.
    2. Mobile Billing - Improved server validation projects for PlayFab integration.
    3. Mobile Billing - Fixed a few minor background errors.
    4. Mobile Billing - Fixed a few description errors.

    There are (3) three new plugins in this release with a lot of important updates, so please check it out!

    Thank you.

  • Release 31.0 - Progressive Early Release

    Hi everyone, there is a new update, please click here to read the release note and download the update.

    New plugins

    1. [New] Mobile IDFA - Construct 3 plugin to request tracking authorization and retrieve the advertising id, both the IDFA and AAID, for both Android and iOS.

    New features

    1. Virtual Currencies
    2. Real Currencies
    3. Mobile Billing


    1. Virtual Currencies
    2. Real Currencies

    Bug fixes

    1. Mobile Billing

    There is (1) new important plugin in this release, with a lot of other important updates, so please check it out!

    Thank you.

  • Release 32.0 - Emergency Patch Release

    Hi everyone, there is a new update, please click here to read the release note and download the update.

    Bug fixes

    1. Mobile Billing
    2. Real Currencies

    This is an emergency patch release for the Mobile Billing plugin. Please update to this new version if you are using the Mobile Billing plugin version from Release 31.

    Thank you!

  • I have all Chadoris addons since 3 years back, amazing support when I had issues, then I stopped having issues, using the plugins still to this day with my projects.


  • Important Announcements!

    Hi everyone,

    Good day to you all.

    Sorry to disturb, but I have two (2) announcements that I think is quite important for those who implement in-app purchases and in-app subscriptions in their mobile applications.

    (1) PlayFab Receipt Validation Reminder

    Just a reminder to those who are using the Mobile Billing plugin for in-application purchases with PlayFab's Server-Side Receipt Validation. Please make sure to fill-in the Service account key in the PlayFab Console > Addons > Google, if you haven't already.

    If you already use in-app subscriptions with the Mobile Billing plugin with PlayFab's Server-Side Receipt Validation, then please ignore this reminder since this was already a prerequisite to integrating subscriptions with PlayFab.

    For those who haven't yet, PlayFab now requires filling the service account key since 2021, no longer only for subscriptions but also for purchases as well, to prevent the potential pending payment fraud which started in the Google Billing Library v3 and still exists in v4 as well.

    Notably, due the payment methods like Pay by cash which are adopted by some countries, like Indonesia and Malaysia.

    (2) Google's Receipt Validation Requirement

    Google now recommends the use of a server-side validator with Google's Server-Side Receipt Validation if you plan to continue implementing In-App Purchases and In-App Subscriptions in your applications. This is your only strongest protection and weapon to fight against payment frauds and abuse. The reason is related to the first announcement above.

    If you don't have one yet, it is fine since you have a lot of options. One of them are the following:

    1. If you use PlayFab, and if you also own the PlayFab Master Collection, you may easily use the Real Currencies plugin to validate purchases and subscriptions for both Android and iOS. The service is free if you have a PlayFab project, and the PlayFab service is also free for your project title's first 100K users, after that the pricing is scalable with pay-as-you-go, meaning pay only what you use.


    2. There is also Fovea Billing, which is also quite easy to use, free for 100 receipts / month. Although, beyond that it is already paid, starting $9 / month for 5,000 receipts. However, it is still quite convenient to use, you only need to paste a validator url, and it validates purchases and subscriptions for both Android and iOS.

    3. If you are quite tech savvy, you may also host your own server to implement the Google's and Apple's server-side receipt validation. You can find this in Google In-App Billing and Apple Store Kit's official documentation.

    That's it, good luck everyone.

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