Content tagged transition

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How do I have the progress bar fade out?
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I am trying to make a layout transition to fade to black using an object that fades in on command and transitions to the next layout and I can't get the progres...

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Question about plugins...
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When I open my project,construct says " Layout transition addon " is missed,install it and reopen Construct. But I've already installed the " Layout transition...

  • 3 replies
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Firstly, I am pretty new to Construct 3 and gamedev in general, so sorry if this is a super easy topic. The issue I am having is that I've got a little spiny tu...

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How do I transition animations of the player?
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When the player is jumping, I put an animation called "Jump_Up", with the event condition "platform is jumping"; Then, I put an animation when the player is fal...

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How do I Transition animation between Jump and Fall?
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I have a question about animation "transitions". For example, on the jump. The usual, is to use only one animation or frame for the jump, and one other for the...

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I just wanted to let you know I uploaded a free Construct 3 template on Itch.Io: This is a Construct 3 sample project with 3 native functions that can be used t...

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Start screen to game screen transitions
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I'm new to Construct (and loving it!) and trying to find some different and unusual examples of transitions from start screen to the game screen. I particularly...

posted 12 months ago
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ascii transition effect - help understanding
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I love this effect, and i'd love to try and understand how it's working rather than just copy and pasting it. I'm quite new to this, so any help appreciated. Ke...

posted 12 months ago