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My game has a tilemap and I'd like the player to move based on these tiles. A similar approach is available in Construct 3 as a behaviour but uses the keyboard...

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How do I make a specific tile kills the player?
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I'm begginer in Construct, i'm making a top-down game and I'm using tiles to make the map (something like pokemon) I want to make the lava tile kills the player...

posted 4 years ago
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Proc-Gen RPG
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I am going to make an RPG style top-down game (Demoniore style). It is based outside and I have the needed tiles for the ground. The map will be fairly large, a...

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How do I sort layer ordering for top down walls
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Trying to make the character object go to either a front or a back layer in relation to the walls/roof in the top down perspective of my game; To give the illus...

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Can you erase tiles in r217?
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I've already sent in a bug report for this potential issue, but I also wanted to see if it's an isolated issue. Are you able to erase tiles in r217? I have trie...

posted 4 years ago
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How to have an efficient Tilemap Z-order / depth?
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I have spent a good chunk of time reading everything I could find on the forum, but I couldn't find anything that would really help me figure this out without c...

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How do I evaluate a map created to mimic my own map?
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A bit of a strange question, but let's say I have a level. This level consists of 2-3 tilemap objects. These tilemaps are layered on top of each other to create...

posted 4 years ago
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I am building a hex-based action game with chain attacks. I currently have two powers configured (the left two electric icons): One that chains across all m-typ...

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How do I use a script to change a tile in a tilemap?
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I am trying to use this script to change a tile in my tilemap from whatever it is to tileID "123". Const tm = runtime.Objects.Tilemap.GetFirstInstance(); Const...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I check a tile that has been changed?
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My player has the ability to modify the tilemap. For example they can use the Hoe tool to change the tile from grass (TileID:0) to dirt (TileID:1282). And this...

posted 4 years ago

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