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How do I sync animations in multiplayer?
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I've got two players in a platform game environment. The Peer can see the Host moving around, but can't see them animate, so they're stuck in the Idle position...

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Peer sync issue
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I am currently struggling on a multiplayer game. Here is the workflow: - A user login to the signalling server and to the room. - the first user to join a room...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I fix multiplayer Peer sync issue?
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I have developed an online multiplayer game, it works well on the Scirra Arcade, itch.Io, Android devices and on other game markets but there's an issue if I ho...

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How do I Sync an array bettewen 2 players?
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I have a problem syncing the array,the host and the peer both have access to the array but Is'nt in sync.

posted 3 years ago
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Syncing Variables & Mouse Clicks Multiplayer
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Super new here, I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have a little test file where I have been trying to learn different concepts. I am fi...

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SyncObject for timer doesn't sync
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For my game, after the host pressing start in the lobby I want to have a 5 second countdown so the players can prepare for the game to start. To not get out of...

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Before I start, I would like to mention I have gone through all multiplayer tutorials and read through other multiplayer threads on the forum, however I have no...

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Currently I have a lot of hassle. I have to rewrite all of the unit frames creation because of the limitation of syncing variables to numbers only. My workaroun...

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How to trigger animation on synced object collision?
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When a basic multiplayer object is synced and it has collision detection on, it doesn't play the animation on the host. Is there a specific reason for this? How...

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In order to learn the tutorials better, I tend to follow them line by line and rewrite them. I am 99% sure that I have made the game the same, and for the host...

posted 3 years ago

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