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Enable/Disable Drag and Drop behavior on an object
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Is there a way to disable the drag and drop behavior on an object from within a script?

posted 2 years ago
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How do I access loopindex inside a script in event sheet?
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I want to access loopindex of my current for loop from a JS script in the actions. My code looks like this and it's not working: I tried to use a counter instea...

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How to set angle of motion for bullet?
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I have following code after I spawn a bullet: Const angleDict = { "up": -90, "left": 180, "right": 0, "down": 90 }; Const player = runtime.Objects.PlayerFamily....

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Function behaves strange?
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I want to turn my login events into a function because I want to add multiple ways of signing in. For example by button click, by pressing enter etc. And I just...

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Tensorflow Pose Net on Construct 3
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I want to make motion capture from Construct 3 using user media (webcam) then get pose human every frame. I use tensorflow and pose net for the plugin (script)...

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How do I push back array with script?
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How do I push back array with code? Is it like JS? Const fruits = ; Fruits.Push("Kiwi"); I'm not a programer, sorry for the noob question =/. Tanks =).

posted 1 years ago
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Is there a way to disable the drag and drop behavior on an object from within a script?

posted 1 years ago
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How do I know the event name in script?
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I have a question about the script files. If I have an instance and want to listen to a drag event, how do I know the name of that drag event in the addEventLis...

posted 1 years ago
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How do I pick top instance in the script?
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In the script file. How do we use pickTopoInstance like in event sheet?

posted 1 years ago
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how do i dynamically list all global vars using script?
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I would like to dynamically list all the global vars in my game, so that I can keep track of them. I know that I can use the debug mode, but I would like to see...