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So I'm making a game for mobile, and the main layout will be portrait perspective for the phone. I want another different layout to be in a landscape perspectiv...

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Admob screen size & overlap
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After searching and reading some answers and post I still can't find the answer: So my question is simple: I have a background and a smart admob banner on the b...

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With the small window that automatically loads, the speed of walk animation is set to 20 frames per second, (this fast as a test for the functionality). When I...

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[SOLVED] Scale Sprite to Viewport Size
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Is it just me or does this not work as it used to? I'm trying to scale the object to fill the screen. Instead, it only fills 1/4 of the screen on the top left....

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How do I add startup/loading screen?
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Today I just started playing with Construct 3 and I recreated Quiz template game. I want to add a startup/loading screen. I created new layout screen and new ev...

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A question concerning the text object
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With Construct 2, can we give the impression to a player that someone is typing phrases on a computer screen (Type-on text effect)? Showing a square cursor that...

posted 4 years ago
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How you guys doing? Let me clarify the problem: I'm building a mobile app game, which many of the actions are based on real time, so when the App is suspended,...

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I have made a game like "doodle jump" where the user has to tilt the phone to the left or right to move the character. Now it Is'nt required to touch the screen...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I redisplay a portion of my screen?
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Essentially I want to create screens in the background of a 2d fighting game and have those screeds display any action happening in a certain zone. If you've pl...

posted 4 years ago
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When we want to type, the screen suddenly becomes small. But if in the open in a regular browser, the screen remains normal although the keyboard of Android app...

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