Content tagged rpg

Short for "role playing game". A role playing game is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting.

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Creating RPG Background Stories Dynamically
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Construct solves some of the difficult problems other gaming frameworks have when mixing HTML and canvas. Did you know that all HTML form controls sit on top of...

  • 536 visits

First, let's create a new project and entitle it to whatever you like. I am calling my project “2D Rooms” (aka “Tutti Rooms” ;). Step #1: On our Project`s Panel...

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Slot Machine Game Mechanics for Construct3
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Let’s learn how to use the “Slot Machine Game Mechanics” as an “In-Game Module” (IGM) for RPG mini-adventures. I also use these game mechanics as a random gener...

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Demonoire - New bundled RPG for Construct 3
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A few Constructors have been working laboriously for months coming up with a new RPG template that will be included for free within Construct 3! Free Edition us...

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Making progress, one baby step at a time
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I can't believe I've been doing this for three weeks already. Hey guys, welcome to another edition of the Construct Stream Companion Blog! I hope you've been en...

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It’s Friday, which on its own is a good thing, but when you’ve also finished another test project for a game mechanic (that actually works) it’s even better! On...

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Bringing speech to the speechless
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Another week, another game dev quest embarked upon! Given that a lot of things in this game will rely on displaying text in some form or another, I figured it w...

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It’s good to take breaks now and again
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Better late then never right? Sorry, today’s blog post is delayed because reasons. Anyway, nothing too exciting to report - still working on a dialogue system,...

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Oh hey, I'm back 👋
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That’s riiiiight, my weekly ramblings are back on track! Didja miss me? Aha, don’t answer that. So, on Tuesday we did a little bit of tidying up in the game – g...

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It's been a productive week!
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Hey gang, can you believe it’s Friday again already? Phew. Time flies when you’ve had a productive week! As it turns out, a fair bit of stuff got done on the ga...