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How do I draw lines and apply physics to it?
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I thought this might be a super repetitive post, but can´t find any related posts other than this one. I can draw a line, but when applying physics to it it bre...

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How do I Make a lamp that has gravity?
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I want to make this lamp have bounceback when it gets hit by the player, The chain is a tiled background and the lamp part is an object. I am really struggling...

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How do I decerate in time to not overshot a target?
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Using the following code, the object often overshoots its target. I believe variable time steps are to blame. The higher the max speed, the larger the overshoot...

posted 7 months ago
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I have a physics object that I want to launch towards a preset/target in an arc. It should hit the target in its downward path, preferably with the peak of the...

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How do I make terraria-esque physics particles?
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I have items and particles in my game that I want to drop and rotate a bit before they stop, and I have no clue on how to do do the rotation part.

posted 7 months ago
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How do I predecit physics trajectory?
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I have an object, when I click a button, the game applies impulse force J to it. I want to predict how it will move (assuming no obstacles, and 0 friction) over...

posted 6 months ago
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How do i make a Physics object stay on a Solid Object?
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I have add the Physics and Solid behavior to the Ball and same behavior to the Wood. But when I play with string, the ball is falling from the wood, even it has...

posted 6 months ago
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I want to make a physical platform that when I character touch it, the platform will start to rotate according to the laws of physics.

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Any way to fix arm physics in multiplayer game?
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I am currently developing a game that utilizes both mouse buttons for climbing rocks, and it also supports multiplayer functionality. However, I have encountere...

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The physics of cars colliding with other cars
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Who can help how to set the physics parameters or how to generally make it so that when the player's car collides with the AI car they did not pass through each...

posted 3 months ago

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