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Pacman movement : make movement switch with ease
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For a new project I wanted to reproduce the movement of Pacman. Here is what I want : - Pacman moves in one direction, and keep moving even if the user release...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I make enemy move around solids to follow player?
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I want to enemy follow player around walls until seing the player from a distance. I give two boolen to enemy. 1- I saw you. 2- I am seeing you. What I am tring...

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Hope everyone had a merry Christmas! I'm back working on my project and was wondering how I could get my enemies to move in a 90 degree movements towards my pla...

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What I want to do is to make a system where if the player moves, the amount of steps the player can take goes down. If the player reaches 0 steps, they die. If...

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This wonderful topic here gave a good solution to deal with hex based player movement. Here's how it works : - player and enemy sprite are associated (with cont...

posted 2 years ago
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How to make diagonal animations during movement!?
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I will attach a screenshot of my progress. Character doesn't animate "side" walk when moving diagonally, freezes. Walks in 4 directions w animation perfectly. C...

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Smoother Touchscreen Drag Movement?
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For a game, I'm using the Touch object to move a character. I want its movement to match the finger's direction dragged across the screen. The two solutions I'v...

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[C3] Custom movement & collisions
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I have only been using C3 for 2 days now so I am still getting familiar with behaviors and events and wasn't sure how to implement the movement I wanted so I us...

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How do I Easystar Enemy Movement?
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Hey guys, I'm trying to use Easystar to move around enemies. So I have multiple enemies calculating path to the enemy and moving, my problem is that they're cal...

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How do I spread 2 solid units in pathfind?
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When I create 2 object and use pathfind to move them, they ignore each other despite the fact I use solid behavior on them and use a solid as an obstacle.

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