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Sorry for a few questions at once, just really need an answer). We are a team are now developing an idle game, we have different clients (30 pieces), these are...

posted 5 years ago
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Effect Memory Leak
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I have a problem with the Construct 2 effects ( No matter what effect) ) The thing is I Create a blank game, I add wherever sprite, and add an effect to that sp...

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Anyone know how to find Sound/Music total memory use?
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I have a lot of sound effects in my game and I was wondering if there's a way to display the total memory used by them (without downloading each one individuall...

posted 3 years ago
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NW.js RAM usage problem
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I was just wondering if anyone knew what was happening with my export. My maximum estimated, layout RAM usage is under 1 GB. When I export an NW.Js, task manage...

posted 3 years ago
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I have a serious problem with my game and I don't know how to fix it. I'm desesperated, because is urgent :|. I'm developing a runner game and I have created al...

posted 3 years ago
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Memory Usage Question
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My project has a sprite that has approximately 4 megabytes worth of images for its various animation frames. Four hundred 160x160 PNGs. Removing that sprite fro...

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How do I create the following sequence/memory event?
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I've been trying to make a game event where a character displays a random sequence of objects which the player then has to click on in the correct order, like i...

posted 3 years ago
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Overly high vram usage?
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My game with around 200 png images that are 70mb in total on my disk consumes over a whopping Gigabyte of video memory…. Is this normal or did I do something wr...

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How can mobile games use so little ram?
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After optimizing my Construct game for 2 weeks, I managed to go from 2GB to 1GB of ram usage by downscaling the ~200 images in total significantly (Not all on o...

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SVG Question
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For a large VERY simple shape (a red square that covers a third of the screen for example) is it better to use an SVG or just a tiny (32x32) scaled up .Png spri...

posted 2 years ago