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How do I speak a negative number in math app answer?
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The user chooses numbers and operators, and the answer can be spoken. Everything works, but I can't understand how to account for negative answers. Basically wh...

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[SOLVED] How do I replace x^y with Math.pow(x,y)?
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I have an example math string like this: 4^5 + 3^2 + 6 - 2^3. Then I would like to convert it to: Math.Pow(4,5) + Math.Pow(3,2) + 6 - Math.Pow(2,3). I tried to...

posted 3 years ago
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Guys! Hope you're all doing well. I'm working on a "Table RPG" like D&D for mobile app. And I'm trying to do the following: - a test based on player's atributes...

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I say a circle because that's what I think is easier to draw. But really I wouldn't mind some sort of deformed shape. I started with averaging the x/ys of all p...

posted 2 years ago
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How can i find an angle between 2 3D points?
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How can I find an angle between 2 3D points? I am doing a 3D game.

posted 2 years ago
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Question about division (Math)
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Why when I insert a label and put in the code the text 4400/1.1 it returns 4000 and when I insert a text box and do the same calculation it returns me 3999,9999...

posted 2 years ago
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How do I Spawn 3 Parallel Bullets?
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So, I'm making a game where the character can shoot bullets, and eventually they'll get a powerup, a triple shot, that will work much like this , and I have bee...

posted 1 years ago
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How do I global variable as percent?
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Player have global variable 'HP' default is 100. Global variable - 'Armor' default is 5 (always absorb 5 damage). Global variable - 'Armor2' default is 50 (that...

posted 1 years ago
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How do I limit variable decimals to the tenths?
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Below is a screenshot of my current work, which DOES work (but is unfinished at the time of screenshot), but the HP of the US tank, after it's engaged with the...

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Could someone help me with some math? I need to get an elipse shape that works for any angle. Right now I can only get a perfect circle. I'm trying to achieve a...

posted 1 years ago

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